Wow! Another year gone by. And what a year it was. We send a huge thanks to each of you for your support and encouragement as we pursue our expression of community through the creation of art.
This last year has been quite a journey at the Warrior StoryField. Our prime focus it to draw veterans and civilians together in conversation and collaboration.
Here’s a snapshot of what that looks like:

Making the long feathers shown here on our small model is our challenge.
The Challenge
Imagine and create an 8 foot long “Fire Feather” for our Phoenix using whatever we have on hand.
The Conversation
We spoke of the prowess of the huntress to strike out or protect. We spoke of the power of consuming fire yielding ash then opening up to transformation and rebirth. We spoke of elegance and expression. We spoke of reaching out through air.
The Collaboration
A father/son team took on the question: How do we convert floppy 1/8” steel plate into a self-supporting 8 foot long fire-feather that can withstand a 100 mph wind?
Andrew offers this point. “Anything with a curve or cupped shape is much stronger than plain flat steel.” Andy, his father, says, “Yeah that’s a start. But, if we give it a 90 degree twist along the whole length, that will eliminate harmonic resonance that will weaken our feather over time. Let’s try it out with a 5 ft feather and see how it works.”
A moment later, Jocelyn steps in to help hammer out the shape.
Watch the outcome in the one minute video above!